Airborne Electromagnetic Survey Indicates Possible Uranium In Nebraska

Energy Investing

The Chadron Record reported airborne electromagnetic surveys used to search for groundwater is also useful in locating uranium.

The Chadron Record reported airborne electromagnetic surveys used to search for groundwater is also useful in locating uranium.

As quoted in the market news:

Steve Sibray, a hydrogeologist with UNL’s Conservation and Survey Division based at Scottsbluff, said data from recent AEM surveys in the Nebraska Panhandle indicated some “anomalies” below the base of the groundwater aquifer, at the base of the brule formation.

The data was generated at the limits of the resolution used for groundwater flights, which were calibrated for the shallower geologic formations containing most of the groundwater important for human consumption, irrigation and other uses. Mining companies could fly over areas of interest, with the equipment calibrated for deeper formations, he said.

Click here to read the full Chadron Report.

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