Woulfe Mining Sangdong Project High Grade Main Zone Confirmed by Drilling

Company News

Woulfe Mining Corp. (CVE:WOF) reports drill results for the third batch of samples from the drilling program at its Sangdong tungsten-molybdenum project, South Korea.

Woulfe Mining Corp. (TSXV:WOF) reports drill results for the third batch of samples from the drilling program at its Sangdong tungsten-molybdenum project, South Korea.

The press release is quoted as saying:

Of the seven holes reported here, one intersected the Main Zone and four intersected the Footwall Zone. The other two holes did not achieve their objectives for reasons reported below. The Main Vein intersection exceeded expectations with a true width of 18.3 metres at an average grade of 0.91% WO3.

Woulfe Mining’s President and CEO, Brian Wesson says:

“The high grade, large intersection confirmed by this drilling is a significant as none of the main ore body was included in the scoping study resource. The drilling focused on the three ore zones above the valley floor that we are targeting for early low cost production during the first 10 years”.

Click here to access the entire news release.

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