China’s Rare Earth Trading Platform Set To Control REE Pricing

Rare Earth Investing

CNBC reported that despite China’s promises to provide greater regulation and price transparency with its new rare earths trading platform, some are skeptical that these new measures are simply a way for the country to control the prices of rare earth element, as well as accounting for more than 95% of the global supply.

CNBC reported that despite China’s promises to provide greater regulation and price transparency with its new rare earths trading platform, some are skeptical that these new measures are simply a way for the country to control the prices of rare earth element, as well as accounting for more than 95% of the global supply.

 Dan McGroarty, President of mining company U.S. Rare Earths, commented:

This is what happens when one country provides 95 percent or so of global supply. In many cases a trading platform would give you price discovery, but not with this level of domination by one country.

Click here to read the full CNBC report.

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