Sienna Resources Inc Featured on InvestmentPitch Media

Battery Metals
Lithium Investing

Sienna Resources Inc (TSXV:SIE) has significantly increased its land holdings at its Slättberg Project in Sweden.

Sienna Resources Inc (TSXV:SIEhas significantly increased its land holdings at its Slättberg Project in Sweden. InvestmentPitch Media has produced a video focused on this recent news, combined with an overview of the company.

“We are very pleased to significantly expand our Swedish landholdings. We are in a strong position right now and with the new data obtained from the magnetic survey recently completed, we are ready to commence drilling shortly. Cobalt prices are currently at fresh 10 year highs right now and show no signs of slowing as the global demand on the battery metals continues to strengthen. We look forward ti a very active 2018” Sated the President of the company, Jason Gigliotti

To see the full video, click here.

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