Chris Berry, president of House Mountain Partners LLC and co-editor of the Disruptive Discoveries Journal, published an analysis of Tesla Motors Inc.’s (NASDAQ:TSLA) Q2 earnings report.
Chris Berry, president of House Mountain Partners LLC and co-editor of the Disruptive Discoveries Journal, published an analysis of Tesla Motors Inc.’s (NASDAQ:TSLA) Q2 earnings report. In it, he identifies key takeaways for investors and lists the two questions the report raised for him.
Berry states:
Despite TSLA’s reputation as a ‘momo’ stock, the company’s vision is compelling and becomes more believable with each milestone they hit. Ultimately vehicle electrification is about much more than cars and TSLA is just one of a number of companies investing in lithium ion battery capacity. Musk sees a run rate production of 100,000 Models S and X combined by the end of 2015 which would more than double the 2014 projected production of 35,000.
It is growth like this, plus energy storage development, solar photovoltaic adoption, and emerging market growth with still color me optimistic on the future for select energy metals despite the rut the junior mining space finds itself in.
TSLA’s stock price may or may not be rich depending upon your valuation model, but the company itself serves as a valid case study of nascent success in a market where many have failed before it.