Chinese Zinc Demand to Rise on Cars, Infrastructure in 2014
Reuters reported that in 2014, China’s zinc consumption is expected to rise as a result of urbanization plans, infrastructure projects and strong production of cars. As a result, the country will continue to import large amounts of zinc.
Reuters reported that in 2014, China’s zinc consumption is expected to rise as a result of urbanization plans, infrastructure projects and strong production of cars. As a result, the country will continue to import large amounts of zinc.
As quoted in the market news:
Industry officials at a conference hosted by state-owned research firm Antaike in Beijing said demand from the infrastructure and auto sectors would push up production of zinc galvanized steel, which accounted for 53 percent of China’s total zinc consumption in 2012.
A senior executive at a zinc end-user said the outlook for demand meant his firm would build up stocks of refined zinc if domestic prices fell to around the 14,500 yuan a tonne mark.
‘Our orders have already increased in the past two months from the previous several months,’ the executive said.