Nickel Creek Succeeds at Separating Nickel and Copper Concentrates for Nickel Shäw Project

Base Metals Investing

Nickel Creek Platinum has reported the final results of its phase II metallurgical program on the Nickel Shäw project in Yukon, Canada.

Nickel Creek Platinum (TSX:NCP) has reported the final results of its phase II metallurgical program on the Nickel Shäw project in Yukon, Canada.

The company has reported that the phase II metallurgical program succeeded in its primary objective of separating bulk copper-nickel concentrate into separate saleable nickel and copper concentrates, representing the most in-depth and comprehensive metallurgical undertaking completed to date at the project.

As highlighted in the press release:

  • The mini pilot plant produced a bulk copper-nickel concentrate with grades of 6.1 percent nickel and 3.1 percent copper (total 9.1percent nickel-copper) at recoveries of: recovered (R) percent nickel = 53.3 percent, R percent copper = 59.6 percent, R percent cobalt = 57.0 percent, R percent platinum = 47.9 percent, R percent palladium = 53.9 percent and R percent gold = 74.4 percent.

President and CEO of Nickel Creek Platinum, Diane Garrett said:

“This is a huge milestone for the project. When we produced a saleable bulk concentrate in 2017 as part of our phase I metallurgical program we soon realized the economic benefits that could be achieved from separating the nickel and copper concentrates. The phase II program achieved good separation into saleable concentrates. Producing two concentrates, nickel and copper, not only provides the Company with additional flexibility for selling its concentrates into the market but is also expected to yield enhanced payable terms based on recent discussions with smelters.

During this phase II program, the company also embarked on optimizing the flow sheet, and in addition to the benefits of producing separate concentrates, the company was able to increase grinding size, thereby lowering energy consumption as well as identifying potential opportunities for reducing capital costs and processing costs. The results of this comprehensive work will be used in the Preliminary Economic Assessment which is currently underway.”

Click here to read the full Nickel Creek Platinum (TSX:NCP) press release.

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