Atico Mining Reports 5.04 Percent Copper and 3.71 G/t Gold Over 86.4 Meters at El Roble

Base Metals Investing

Atico Mining (TSXV:ATY) reported the latest results from infill drilling at its El Roble mine in Colombia, significantly extending the mineralization at the Zeus massive sulfide body. The company reported results of three drill holes including 86.4 meters of 5.04 percent copper and 3.71 grams per tonne of gold as well as 116 meters of 3.05 percent copper and 2.38 grams per tonne of gold.

Atico Mining (TSXV:ATY) reported the latest results from infill drilling at its El Roble mine in Colombia, significantly extending the mineralization at the Zeus massive sulfide body. The company reported results of three drill holes including 86.4 meters of 5.04 percent copper and 3.71 grams per tonne of gold as well as 116 meters of 3.05 percent copper and 2.38 grams per tonne of gold.

As quoted in the press release:

The goal of the underground drilling program at the El Roble mine is to further define the known mineralized bodies and expand the identified resource. During the fourth quarter of 2014, the Company began a drill program to specifically test the Zeus, Aquiles and Ares mineralization. In-fill drilling approximately perpendicular to the strike direction of the known massive sulfide bodies and drilling of new prospective areas below the 2000-meter level is being conducted from the new main level 1880 adit. With the first three holes of the program (ATD-0001, ATD-0002 and ATD-0003), drilling intercepted significantly larger intervals of massive sulfide than had been modeled in the NI 43-101 inferred resource estimate wireframes of Zeus and Aquiles (See Atico technical report August 27, 2013). At the levels of mineralization drilled, the average interval used in the wireframe calculation of the inferred resource was approximately 58 meters, whereas the first infill hole (ATD-0001) intersected

116.6 meters, the second hole (ATD-0002) intersected 70.8 meters and the third hole (ATD-0003) intersected 86.4 meters of mineralization.

Atico Mining CEO, Fernando E. Ganoza, said:

The ongoing in-fill drill program at the El Roble mine has intercepted high-grade mineralization at Zeus massive sulfide body which significantly extends the mineralization beyond the previously outlined mineralized shell. The Zeus mineralized body accounts for approximately forty percent of our total identified resource and so any extensions to mineralization discovered here could have a material impact on our total identified resource.

Click here to read the Atico Mining (TSXV:ATY) press release

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