Crystal Peak Minerals Completes Fieldwork Portion of Sevier Feasibility Study
Crystal Peak Minerals (TSXV:CPM) has completed the fieldwork portion of its feasibility study for its Sevier Playa project in southwestern Utah.
Crystal Peak Minerals (TSXV:CPM) has completed the fieldwork portion of its feasibility study for its Sevier Playa project in southwestern Utah.
As quoted in the press release:
The primary objectives of the FS fieldwork program included improving Crystal Peak’s understanding of playa hydrology, geotechnical data collection, continuing the development of a numeric model to evaluate playa hydrology and resource recovery, and the advancement of environmental permitting. Crystal Peak completed trench tests and a drill program that provided brine and sediment analysis needed to improve the understanding of the brine resource zones. It also completed an aerial survey of the playa, continued evaporation analysis, laboratory work, and a potentiometric survey to support the numeric model.
Trench and well tests were concluded in December, 2015. Since then flow tests have been underway providing results that will be used to finalize the FS, the environmental impact statement, and other required permits. Crystal Peak has initiated the FS process by submitting requests for proposals from various engineering companies that have recent and relevant potash experience.
Crystal Peak CEO, Lance D’Ambrosio, said:
This is the most significant milestone we have achieved since being awarded the concession on the Sevier Playa in 2011. These very positive results provide Crystal Peak with the catalyst needed to push forward with the final pre-construction activities.