Quest PharmaTech Subsidiary Signs Exclusive Agreement for Healing Tech
Madenco Biosciences, a subsidiary of Quest PharmaTech, announced a new exclusive licensing agreement with Stanford University to develop and commercialize patented epidermal growth factor wound healing technology.
Madenco Biosciences, a subsidiary of Quest PharmaTech (TSXV:QPT), announced a new exclusive licensing agreement with Stanford University to develop and commercialize patented epidermal growth factor (EGF) wound healing technology.
As quoted in the press release:
The technology was invented by Dr. Jennifer Cochran, associate professor of bioengineering at Stanford University, and is jointly owned by Stanford University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology. This new class of engineered EGF molecules have about 30 times more receptor-binding affinity than natural EGF and are protected by two U.S. patents. The technology can also be combined with Quest’s SP Technology to further enhance its effectiveness. Its application includes wound healing as well as for use in cosmetics.
“We are excited for this opportunity to develop the wound healing technology” said Dr. Madi Madiyalakan, CEO of Madenco/Quest. “Natural EGF molecules used for wound healing only remain in the wound site for a few minutes before they are dispersed. The new engineered EGF molecules with higher receptor binding affinity can prolong the residence time remarkably and enhance the biological effect”, added Dr. Madiyalakan.
Click here to read the full press release.