Graphite Investing Lomiko Increases Ownership in SHD Smart Home to 25% as SHD Investigates Using Blockchain for IoT Software Security Applications
Graphite Investing Lomiko's SHD Smart Home Starts Discussions with US Based Distributor to Increase Sales of IoT Products
Graphite Investing Lomiko Technologies and SHD Smart Home Devices Ltd Receive Approval of the Spider Charger(R) Trademark from the Canadian Intellectual Property Office
Graphite Investing Lomiko to Retain 40% Ownership in Graphene ESD by Transferring 1,278,790 Graphene 3D Lab Shares to Graphene ESD
Lomiko Technologies Subsidiary Graphene ESD and Stony Brook University to File Graphene Supercapacitor Patents
Lomiko Technologies to Present New Graphene Supercapacitor Prototype at Battery Materials Conference in Toronto
Lomiko Tech Files for American Trademark on Spider Charger and Commences North America Safety Certification Process
Lomiko Technologies to Launch Smart Home Devices Ltd to Manufacture, Distribute and Sell Spider Charger-based Devices
3D Printing Investing Lomiko to Report 43-101 Flake Graphite Resource at La Loutre, Graphene 3D Lab Signs Deal with Fortune 500 Company