Segue Resources Delineates Lithium-Tantalum Anomaly at Gascoyne Prospect

Tantalum Investing

Segue Resources Ltd. (ASX:SEG) announced the results of a soil survey completed recently at the Reid Well lithium-caesium-tantalum prospect at its Gascoyne lithium project in Western Australia.

Segue Resources Ltd. (ASX:SEG) announced the results of a soil survey completed recently at the Reid Well lithium-caesium-tantalum prospect at its Gascoyne lithium project in Western Australia.
As quoted in the press release:

The programme has successfully delineated a 1.3km x 1.0km lithium and tantalum anomaly, with soil samples up to 0.8% Li2O. The soil anomaly is consistent with high grade lithium and tantalum rock chip samples previously announced (see announcement on 16 March 2017) and appear to be contained within a previously unidentified zoned LCT pegmatite.

The soil sampling programme consisted of ~1,500 samples collected on a 50x50m and 100x100m grid spacing within Segue’s 100% owned tenement E09/2169. In addition to the soil sampling, a further 64 rock chips have been received with assay results including 0.65% Li2O and 554ppm Ta2O5.

Click here to read the full Segue Resources Ltd. (ASX:SEG) press release.


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