Northern Dynasty Gets Confirmation that Pebble Permit Application is Complete

Base Metals Investing

Northern Dynasty Minerals Ltd. (TSX:NDM,NYSEAMERICAN:NAK) announced that it has received notice from the US Army Corp of Engineers that the Clean Water Act 404 permitting documentation submitted for its Pebble project in late December has been accepted.

Northern Dynasty Minerals Ltd. (TSX:NDM,NYSEAMERICAN:NAK) announced that it has received notice from the US Army Corp of Engineers that the Clean Water Act 404 permitting documentation submitted for its Pebble project in late December has been accepted.
As quoted in the press release:

In confirming that Pebble’s application is complete, the Corps has confirmed that an Environmental Impact Statement (“EIS”) level of analysis is required to comply with its National Environmental Policy Act (“NEPA”) review of the Pebble Project, and has proposed a Memorandum of Agreement (“MOA”) to guide development of that process.

Ron Thiessen, CEO of Northern Dynasty, commented:

Pebble expects to finalize an MOA in the very near-term, and immediately distribute a ‘Request for Proposal’ to begin the process whereby the Corps will select the independent third-party contractor that will support them in the development of the Pebble EIS – the document that will be the basis for decisions made by federal permitting agencies. We are pleased by the expediency with which permitting for the Pebble Project has been initiated, and that the Corps will serve as the lead federal agency for the rigorous, objective, transparent and science-based EIS process.

Click here to read the full Northern Dynasty Minerals Ltd. (TSX:NDM,NYSEAMERICAN:NAK) press release.

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