Overview Allana controls potash concessions covering 150 km2 in the Danakil Depression. The property has an Inferred Mineral Resource of 105,200,000 tonnes with a composite grade of 20.8 % KCl. The unique environment at Dallol suggests low CAPEX and OPEX may be achievable using solution mining, solar evaporation and geothermal energy. What we like about …
OverviewAllana controls potash concessions covering 150 km2 in the Danakil Depression. The property has an Inferred Mineral Resource of 105,200,000 tonnes with a composite grade of 20.8 % KCl. The unique environment at Dallol suggests low CAPEX and OPEX may be achievable using solution mining, solar evaporation and geothermal energy. What we like about Allana Resources
Chief PropertyEthiopian Potash ProjectAllana Resources has three potash concessions (Dallol Potash Project) located in Ethiopia’s northeastern Danakil Depression totaling about 150 square kilometers. The Dallol Potash Project area is approximately 100 km from the Red Sea coast. The potash mineralization in the Danakil Depression is well known with small-scale potash mining carried out intermittently from the early 1900s. Allana’s project has been previously explored. The US-based Ralph M. Parsons company drilled nearly 300 drill holes from 1958-1967 and even sank a shaft to conduct underground mining. Allana has completed a NI 43-101 compliant technical report for the three concessions highlighting several unique advantages of this project:
Potash occurs as both sylvite (KCl) and as kainite (KMg(SO4)Cl*2.75H2O). The sylvinite member varies in width up to 11 metres (average approx. 3 metres) and grades up to 35 % KCl. The kainitite horizon is up to 13 metres (average approx. 6 metres) and averages 62 % kainite. Allana has embarked on a comprehensive initial exploration phase during the first quarter of 2009. This programme will include data compilation, geological mapping, structural mapping, satellite interpretation. During the remainder of 2009 Allana plans 1500 metres of diamond drilling to confirm previous drill results, upgrade portions of the inferred resource to “indicated” and to provide access for down hole seismic studies. In addition to the diamond drilling, downhole seismic survey will provide a signature of the potash horizon and lead to a 2D seismic survey over the basin to delineate the extent of the potash and identify additional drill targets. Management
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