Vassar College to Adopt SnapLogic Elastic Integratio Platform

Data Investing

SnapLogic has reported that that Vassar College has picked the SnapLogic Elastic Integration Platform to help the university transition from legacy enterprise resource planning technology to Workday and additional cloud applications.

SnapLogic has reported that that Vassar College has picked the SnapLogic Elastic Integration Platform to help the university transition from legacy enterprise resource planning technology to Workday and additional cloud applications.
According to the press release:

“We need to move and manage large amounts of data from our existing financial and human resources systems into Workday, and we are also looking to add new cloud applications as we continue to optimize our IT strategy and architecture,” said Elizabeth Hayes, Deputy CIO at Vassar College. “After evaluating many options in the market, we chose SnapLogic because it was built for the cloud, supports hybrid cloud application and data integration, gives us the ability to scale by building and managing integrations more quickly, and offers a user interface that is easy to use.”
The SnapLogic Elastic Integration Platform will help Vassar College as it moves data from its existing ERP application to Workday, and also support the college as it pursues a cloud-first IT strategy.
“More and more industries are looking to tap into the benefits of cloud computing and we are seeing good traction among higher education organizations,” said Jack Kudale, senior vice president of Field Operations at SnapLogic. “Vassar College has a solid vision for modernizing their IT infrastructure and we are excited to be a part of that transformation.”

Click here to read the full press release.


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