Canadian Military Looks to Monitor Social Media

Emerging Technology

The Canadian military intends to monitor and analyze social media in order to achieve constant access to posts on Twitter (NYSE:TWTR), Facebook (NASDAQ:FB) and Instagram, among others.

The Canadian military intends to monitor and analyze social media in order to achieve constant access to posts on Twitter (NYSE:TWTR), Facebook (NASDAQ:FB) and Instagram, among others.
According to an article on The Star:

And they don’t want anyone knowing it’s them doing the monitoring, either.

The Department of National Defence and its research wing, Defence Research and Development Canada, are in the market for a new Internet monitoring platform that can analyze and filter the daily firehose of social media posts.
“At an operational and tactical level, social data can provide information on events as they unfold, key influencers, sentiment of local populations, and even help to geo-locate people of interest,” documents posted online Thursday read.
“Given the reactive and long-term nature of DND intelligence operations, access to this information is essential to maintaining situational awareness and achieving our global mandate.”

The platform envisioned by the military will pull from the most popular social media sites — Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram — but will also track data from a much broader range of websites.

Click here to read the full article on The Star.

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