Synthesis Energy Systems, TAURON Wytwarzanie, and SES EnCoal Energy Announce Feasibility Study for First Conventional Power Boiler Clean Energy Conversion Projects in Poland

Cleantech Investing

Synthesis Energy Systems (NASDAQ:SES) has announced that it and TAURON Wytwarzanie S.A., and SES’s Poland platform company SES Encoal Energy have executed a letter of intent to develop Poland’s first SES Gasification Technology (SGT) facility. As quoted in the press release: TAURON has contracted Poland’s Institute of Coal Chemistry (IChPW) to complete a detailed preliminary design …

Synthesis Energy Systems (NASDAQ:SES) has announced that it and TAURON Wytwarzanie S.A., and SES’s Poland platform company SES Encoal Energy have executed a letter of intent to develop Poland’s first SES Gasification Technology (SGT) facility.

As quoted in the press release:

TAURON has contracted Poland’s Institute of Coal Chemistry (IChPW) to complete a detailed preliminary design assessment and economic study for the conversion of its initial 200MW conventional power boiler to clean syngas. The project feasibility study has been underway since September 2017 and is scheduled to conclude in March 2018. SES and SEE have been providing engineering and analysis support to IChPW. The preliminary results presented by the IChPW to TAURON and SES have shown that conversion of TAURON’s 200MW power boiler utilizing SGT Technology can be both economically attractive and environmentally beneficial. SES believes that the study should show that SGT power boiler conversion is an ideal solution capable of meeting EU and IED targets. When the study is completed and approved, TAURON intends to move forward with detailed engineering and commercial negotiations on a license order for SGT.

“Together with our SEE joint venture partner, EnInvestments sp. z o.o., we have made very good progress over the last three years introducing our technology to Poland. We couldn’t be more excited that this clean energy undertaking we are announcing today is with forward-looking TAURON, one of the largest Polish energy companies with major resources in electricity generation, coal mining, and heat distribution in the country, supplying about 32 TWh to over 5.5 million customers annually,” said Robert W. Rigdon, Vice Chairman of Synthesis Energy Systems, Inc. “This project feasibility study is already well-advanced and the results to date indicate that SGT is a novel, replicable and widely applicable clean energy solution for coal-rich Poland’s power generation sector with ability to efficiently, cleanly and economically convert its vast coal and coal waste resources, blended with available renewable refused derived fuels (RDF), to supply its citizens with needed energy resources.”

The project feasibility study by the IChPW is for the first 200MW project featuring an upgrade for a conventional power boiler from the combustion of coal fuel to the use of versatile, clean and low-cost syngas generated by industry-leading, feedstock-fuel-flexible SGT. The project scope includes an input feedstock blend of local coal, coal wastes, and RDF. The goal of the clean energy conversion project, should it move forward into development, is to establish best-in-class, environmentally responsible cleaner coal facilities to provide Polish industries and beyond superior economic benefits using local feedstock, as compared to the use of expensive, imported natural gas and LNG.

Click here to read the full press release.

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