Strateco retains financial advisor

Resource Investing News

Strateco Resources Inc. reports it has retained its financial advisor, Macquarie Capital Market Canada Ltd. Macquarie Capital Market Canada Ltd., as exclusive financial advisor to advise Strateco on financing and development strategies, including strategic partners, for the continued development of its 100% owned Matoush property located in the Otish Mountains, 260 km north of Chibougamau, Quebec. For full details …

Strateco Resources Inc. reports it has retained its financial advisor, Macquarie Capital Market Canada Ltd.

Macquarie Capital Market Canada Ltd., as exclusive financial advisor to advise Strateco on financing and development strategies, including strategic partners, for the continued development of its 100% owned Matoush property located in the Otish Mountains, 260 km north of Chibougamau, Quebec.

For full details of this press release, click this link. To view Strateco’s company profile, click here. Follow developments in uranium mining and exploration for free.
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