Silver Falcon Mining Increases Diamond Creek Mill Operations

Silver Investing

Silver Falcon Mining, Inc. (OTC:SFMI) reports that its Diamond Creek milling facility has operated at 85% of optimal operating capacity.

Silver Falcon Mining, Inc. (OTC:SFMI) reports that its Diamond Creek milling facility has operated at 85% of optimal operating capacity.

The press release is quoted as saying:

Pierre Quilliam, CEO, Silver Falcon Mining, Inc., states, “In late fall 2008, SFMI obtained the Louisiana and Cumberland mineral claims through quitclaims, and the mineral rights to the Sinker Tunnel lode claims, and registered theses claims at the BLM. BLM owns the land and SFMI owns the minerals rights. Furthermore, the continuous increases in production rates at the Diamond Creek Mill have exceeded anticipated current time frames of operational expectations.”

Click here to access the entire press release

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