Silver ETFs Gain Attention as Gold ETFs Struggle

Silver Investing

Mineweb reported that although the silver price has been hit just as hard as the gold price, the biggest silver exchange-traded funds (ETFs) “have been seeing very large inflows,” while gold ETFs are experiencing outflows.

Mineweb reported that although the silver price has been hit just as hard as the gold price, the biggest silver exchange-traded funds (ETFs) “have been seeing very large inflows,” while gold ETFs are experiencing outflows.

Examining what is going on, the news outlet states:

All this is despite some pretty bearish comments from some bank analysts who are even talking of seeing silver falling back to $14 on the assumptions that there is a big silver surplus, although it is perhaps notable, as we have pointed out here before that analysis of the silver market seems to disregard investment offtake, while analysis of the gold sector always assumes that the investment offtake balances out supply and demand.

One theory is that many astute investors feel the general stock market is overbought and riding for a fall – and perhaps a big one. October has a track record of seeing these – and we are nearly there already. If there is a stock market crash there could be a turn to precious metals, and silver tends to provide far better leverage than gold in a sharply rising precious metals price scenario with the gold:silver ratio perhaps poised for a sharp change for the better for the silver investor.

Click here to read the full Mineweb article.

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