Golden Phoenix Engages Telesto Nevada to Prepare Vanderbilt Silver and Gold Project for Exploratory Drilling Program

Silver Investing

Golden Phoenix Minerals, Inc. (OTC:GPXM) announced it is working with Telesto Nevada to prepare for exploration of the Vanderbilt project.

Golden Phoenix Minerals, Inc. (OTC:GPXM) announced it is working with Telesto Nevada to prepare for exploration of the Vanderbilt project.

The press release is quoted as saying:

Telesto will assist Golden Phoenix in map generation and reclamation calculations for a final determination of the bonding required prior to commencement of exploratory drilling on the Company’s Vanderbilt Silver and Gold Project. The scope of exploration will use existing disturbance and any new disturbance that is planned will be less than five acres.

Click here to read the entire news release.

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