Bear Creek Again Hopeful About Santa Ana Silver Project

Silver Investing

Reuters reported that the Peruvian government has once again begun talking with Bear Creek Mining Corp. (TSXV:BCM) about its Santa Ana silver project, at which work is currently stalled.

Reuters reported that the Peruvian government has once again begun talking with Bear Creek Mining Corp. (TSXV:BCM) about its Santa Ana silver project, at which work is currently stalled.

As quoted in the market news:

Bear Creek was nearing construction on Santa Ana in 2011 when deadly protests against the project led outgoing President Alan Garcia to withdraw permission for the company to operate in the area.

Bear Creek has challenged that revocation in local courts and has said it would sue Peru in an international tribunal under free trade protections unless it could recover the right to proceed with Santa Ana.

The company has said that starting up Santa Ana in southern Peru was its top priority because it could help finance its more expensive $700 million silver project, Corani.

Click here to read the full Reuters report.

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