Zimbabwe May Revoke Platinum Export Tax if Refinery Built

Precious Metals

Reuters reported that the Zimbabwe government would consider removing a tax on raw platinum exports, but only if mining companies build a refinery and process platinum locally. The 15 percent tax was implemented January 1, but according to Mines Minister Walter Chidhakwa, the platinum tax could be removed.

Reuters reported that the Zimbabwe government would consider removing a tax on raw platinum exports, but only if mining companies build a refinery and process platinum locally. The 15 percent tax was implemented January 1, but according to Mines Minister Walter Chidhakwa, the platinum tax could be removed.

Chidhakwa is quoted as saying:

If they build the refinery facility, I will be quite happy to recommend to His Excellency the President, the Minister of Finance and Parliament that we revoke the policy.

Click here to read the full Mining Weekly report.



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