West Kirkland Mining Gets Federal Permit for Three Hills Mine

Gold Investing

West Kirkland Mining (TSXV:WKM) has received a decision of record and finding of no significant impact for its Three Hills Ming project in Nevada. This is the final major permitting step for construction to begin.

West Kirkland Mining (TSXV:WKM) has received a decision of record and finding of no significant impact for its Three Hills Ming project in Nevada. This is the final major permitting step for construction to begin.
As quoted in the press release:

The EA for the Three Hills Mine is required under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). The acts sets up the procedural requirements for all federal governmental agencies to prepare environmental assessments in response to proposed major activities on federal lands. Part of Three Hills Mine is on federal lands administered by the BLM, therefore NEPA requires the BLM to prepare an EA to analyze potential environmental consequences of the planned project and any reasonable alternatives. West Kirkland has advanced through baseline studies, the draft EA, the final EA, and has now completed the process with the issuance of a Decision Record. Various state permits are also required and have either been obtained or are in the final stages of being processed by state agencies.

West Kirkland CEO, Michael Jones, said:

We are very happy to have completed both a pre-feasibility study and permitting at the Three Hills Mine since acquiring the property in April, 2014. Construction permits significantly add to the value of any property – this is a big step forward for West Kirkland. We appreciate the professionalism and hard work of the BLM staff, the staff at all involved state agencies, and our consultants for making this happen so quickly. We will now consult with our major shareholders on the next steps for the project.

Click here for the full press release.

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