Tarsis Acquires New Porphyry Prospect, Yukon

Gold Investing

Tarsis Resources Ltd. (CVE:TCC) reports that it has acquired the Rosie property, Yukon.

Tarsis Resources Ltd. (TSXV:TCC) reports that it has acquired the Rosie property, Yukon. 

The press release is quoted as saying:

The property is located at the eastern end of the Nisling Range, approximately 100 kilometers northwest of Haines Junction, Yukon. The property features strong potassic alteration and silicification within an underlying granodiorite host. Pathfinder element geochemistry from prior government stream sediment sampling is anomalous for arsenic (98th percentile), antimony (98th percentile) and molybdenum (98th percentile) as well as having elevated gold (95th percentile) and copper (98th percentile) values.

Tarsis’s CEO and President, Marc Blythe says:

“While the initial assay values are relatively low, we are highly encouraged by the alteration and pathfinder geochemistry, which we interpret to be indicative of a potential porphyry system. We are looking forward to carrying out systematic early stage exploration on this target in the spring.”

Click here to access the entire news release.

Click here to access Tarsis’ company profile.

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