Red Eagle Mining Receives Final Approval For Colombia Gold Mine
Red Eagle Mining (TSXV:RD) reported receiving its environmental license for its San Ramon Gold Mine, representing the final step in permitting for construction and mining at the project. This will be the first mine to operate under modern environmental permitting legislation in Colombia. Construction will begin in mid 2015 upon completion of a project financing.
Red Eagle Mining (TSXV:RD) reported receiving its environmental license for its San Ramon Gold Mine, representing the final step in permitting for construction and mining at the project. This will be the first mine to operate under modern environmental permitting legislation in Colombia. Construction will begin in mid 2015 upon completion of a project financing.
As quoted in the press release:
A comprehensive Environmental Impact Assessment (“EIA”) including an Environmental Management Plan (“EMP”) was submitted on February 20, 2014 to Corantioquia (Department of Antioquia Environmental Agency). The EIA included an Environmental Baseline Study, which was prepared by two Colombian universities – the Universidad de Antioquia and the Universidad Catolica del Norte, based in Santa Rosa de Osos. The EIA was prepared by Tetra Tech, a leading international engineering firm. The Environmental License approved both the EIA and EMP.
As previously reported, the Secretary of Mines of Antioquia formally approved the Mining Technical Work Plan (Programa de Trabajo y Obras or “PTO”, which was submitted in November 2013, in Resolution 121146, dated August 12, 2014. This was the comprehensive approval required subject to receiving the Environmental License.
Red Eagle CEO, Bob Bell, said:
Congratulations to our entire team in Santa Rosa de Osos and Medellin who have maintained frequent and transparent communications with all stakeholders since we commenced work at Santa Rosa in 2011. Corantioquiaas Oficina Territorial Tahamies, based locally in the municipality of Santa Rosa de Osos, whom we have worked closely with over the last three years has shown exceptional professionalism and we look forward to partnering with them for many years to come.
Click here to read the Red Eagle Mining (TSXV:RD) press release