Premium Exploration Drills 7.0 g/t Gold Over 34.4 Meters

Gold Investing

Premium Exploration Inc. (CVE:PEM) announces drill results from drill holes PFR2010_18 & 21. Both drill holes are located in the Main Zone and have advanced development of the Upper and Lower Blocks.

Premium Exploration Inc. (TSXV:PEM) announces drill results from drill holes PFR2010_18 & 21. Both drill holes are located in the Main Zone and have advanced development of the Upper and Lower Blocks.

The press release is quoted as saying:

PFR2010_18: 0.6 g/t gold over 345.7 meters (starting at 14.9 meters), 1.0 g/t gold over 38.4 meters as well as 1.0 g/t gold over 39.3 meters

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