Condor Resources Inc.: Drilling to Commence on the Pucamayo West Gold-Silver Target
Mar. 03, 2011 12:52PM PST
Gold InvestingCondor Resources Inc. (CVE:CN) reports commencement drill at Pucamayo West Gold-Silver target on March 7th, 2011.
Condor Resources Inc. (TSXV:CN) reports commencement drill at Pucamayo West Gold-Silver target on March 7th, 2011.
The press release is quoted as saying:
The Pucamayo West Gold-Silver target has never been drill tested. The drill program at Pucamayo West will test the NW and NE trending low to intermediate sulphidation multiphase quartz-carbonate veins which have been discovered to date, the largest of which has been traced along strike for 1500m with an average width of over 15m.