Potash West Director Retires

Company News

Potash West NL (ASX:PWN,OTCPINK:PWNNY) reported that Mr. Georga Sakalidis will not be standing for re-election as a Non-Executive Director. He will be retiring as of the Annual General Meeting on November 26, 2014. Potash West’s Chairman, Mr. Adrian Griffin, thanks Mr. Sakalidis for his contributions to the company.

Potash West NL (ASX:PWN,OTCPINK:PWNNY) reported that Mr. Georga Sakalidis will not be standing for re-election as a Non-Executive Director. He will be retiring as of the Annual General Meeting on November 26, 2014. Potash West’s Chairman, Mr. Adrian Griffin, thanks Mr. Sakalidis for his contributions to the company.

Click here to read the Potash West (OTCPINK:PWNNY) press release
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