The following companies have significant upcoming news catalysts that are expected in the next 30 days which have the potential to move the listed companies’ stock: Happy Creek Minerals (TSXV:HPY), Kivalliq Energy Corp.(TSX:KIV), Arianne Resources (TSXV:DAN)
Savvy investors, brokers, and institutional investors try to identify future news items or “Catalysts” that address significant company milestones. Identifying and anticipating these news items can greatly influence an investor’s success.
Each month we compile a list of significant upcoming news catalysts that are expected in the next 30 days. We believe these catalysts have the potential to move the listed companies’ stock. These news catalysts are a reminder of already publicly released plans.
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Happy Creek Minerals (TSXV:HPY) is anticipating additional drill results from its Fox Tungsten project located approximately 75 kilometres northeast of 100 Mile House, British Columbia (B.C.), Canada. This past season, the company completed 29 drill holes averaging approximately 90 metres depth for a total of 2,600 metres. Happy Creek has a market capitalization of $11 million.
Kivalliq Energy Corporation (TSXV:KIV)Kivalliq Energy Corporation (TSXV:KIV) has completed an aggressive $20 million exploration campaign on its Angilak property in Nunavut Canada. From April 13 to September 15, 2012, Kivalliq drilled 33,583 metres of core in 173 holes and 5,273 metres of reverse circulation (RC) in 38 holes. This program tested the extent of uranium mineralization at the Lac Cinquante deposit down-dip and along the Lac 50 Trend. To date, the company has released assay results from 80 holes. Assay results from an additional 93 drill holes are still pending. Kivalliq has a market capitalization of $69 million.
Grande Portage Resources (TSXV:GPG) is expecting drill results from the Main and Goat Veins on its Herbert Glacier gold project located 30 km north of Juneau, Alaska. As of August 30th, 36 holes totaling 4,900 meters were completed along the western part of the Deep Trench vein. The company will continue drilling using two rigs focusing on the Deep Trench, Main and Goat veins. The company has a $13 million market capitalization.
Arianne Resources (TSXV:DAN)Arianne Resources (TSXV:DAN,FWB:JE9N,OTCBB:DRRSF) expects to table addional drill results from its Paul Zone on the Lac à Paul Phosphorus-Titanium Project in Quebec. The company’s 3,856 metre drill progam has arleady expanded mineralization to the west by 700 metres. The Paul zone now has a confirmed length of 2.7 km and the company anticpates the zone to be expanded further. Arianne has a market capitalization of $82 million.