Bard Ventures Ltd.: Drilling Results-0.06% Molybdenum Over 386.29 Meters and 0.08% Copper Over 302.7 Meters-Quartz Breccia Zone at Lone Pine Property
Sep. 22, 2011 05:21PM PST
Industrial MetalsBard Ventures Ltd. (CVE:CBS,FRRA:BVU) announced results of drilling from the Quartz Breccia zone at Lone Pine.
Bard Ventures Ltd. (TSXV:CBS,FRRA:BVU) announced results of drilling from the Quartz Breccia zone at Lone Pine.
The press release is quoted as saying:
The results from drill hole BD-11-68 is deemed significant extending copper and molybdenum mineralization over a horizontal distance of 212m and from surface to a vertical down hole depth of 473.4m (BD-07-02). Copper and molybdenum mineralization remains open to extension in all directions requiring additional drilling.
Click here to read the entire news release.