Lithoquest Diamonds Recovers Kimberlite Indicator Minerals
Lithoquest Diamonds Inc. announced that kimberlite indicator minerals with diamond inclusion chemistry have been recovered from composite rock samples collected on its North Kimberley diamond project.
Lithoquest Diamonds Inc. (TSXV:LDI) announced that kimberlite indicator minerals with diamond inclusion chemistry have been recovered from composite rock samples collected on itsĀ North Kimberley diamond project located in the northern region of Western Australia.
As quoted in the press release:
The Kimberlite Indicator Minerals (KIMs) were recovered from composite rock samples collected in April 2017 at four targets. All grains underwent electron microprobe analysis to confirm their composition and kimberlitic affinity. Diamond inclusion chemistry from pyrope garnet and chrome diopside was obtained from two of the targets sampled: 702 and 1604.
Samples collected at targets 701 and 702, which were recognised in 2007, were intended to confirm the presence of KIMās in the surface rocks at these locations. Targets 1604 and 1605 were identified in 2016 and initial samples were collected in April 2017.
Bruce Counts, president and CEO, commented:
These results reinforce the prospective nature of the North Kimberley Diamond Project. It is remarkable to recover KIMās at all four of the targets sampled, particularly given how extensively the rocks have been weathered. Furthermore, it is encouraging that the KIMās included grains that originated from within the diamond stability field.
Click here to read the full Lithoquest Diamonds Inc. (TSXV:LDI) press release.