Re-Power Your Portfolio With 3 Uranium Plays

Energy Investing

Seeking Alpha reports on re-powering portfolios with uranium.

Seeking Alpha reports on re-powering portfolios with uranium.

The market news is quoted as saying:

Looking at the price itself reveals not only a 31% drop from a recent high, but also no signs of recovery. The decline in the price can be a bit disconcerting as it may reflect easing demand; however the current price level doesn’t appear to be sustainable for the longer term. While demand may be tepid at the moment, emerging markets are eventually going to turn back to uranium as a source of power. It is too pure and efficient not to use. While there will always be dangers using the material, benefits outweigh the risks in my opinion. Not only does uranium produce more power than solar or hydrologic, it is also less expensive and more reliable.

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