Production ramp up continues at Lance Projects Peninsula‘s wholly-owned subsidiary Strata Energy Inc. (Strata) began in-situ uranium recovery operations from the Ross Permit Area at the Lance Projects in Wyoming, USA in December 2015. Since the initial injection of O2 and CO2 at the first header house unit on 2 December 2015, production well flow-rates continue to meet expectations and have substantially confirmed the permeability of the ore body, a key risk factor in ISR operations. The Central Processing Plant (CPP) and well field systems continue to operate as expected.
Peninsula Energy (ASX:PEN) Quarterly Activities Report
Production ramp up continues at Lance Projects Peninsula‘s wholly-owned subsidiary Strata Energy Inc. (Strata) began in-situ uranium recovery operations from the Ross Permit Area at the Lance Projects in Wyoming, USA in December 2015. Since the initial injection of O2 and CO2 at the first header house unit on 2 December 2015, production well flow-rates continue to meet expectations and have substantially confirmed the permeability of the ore body, a key risk factor in ISR operations. The Central Processing Plant (CPP) and well field systems continue to operate as expected.
September Quarter Production 54,000lbs U3O8 were extracted from the Lance Projects in the September quarter, an increase of 25,000lbs U3O8 over the June quarter. Production for the quarter was primarily from header houses 1,2 and 3. Deliveries of drummed uranium product continued during the quarter, with approximately 40,000lbs of Lance uranium received at a North American conversion facility on 15 September 2016.
Click here to read full activities report.
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