Fission Energy (TSXV:FIS) and its Limited Partner, the Korea Waterbury Uranium Limited Partnership, announced that three drill holes have successfully identified a new mineralized extension in the sandstone and basement, near at the unconformity, to north of the J Zone boundary between Line 270W and Line 300W.
Fission Energy (TSXV:FIS) and its Limited Partner, the Korea Waterbury Uranium Limited Partnership, announced that three drill holes have successfully identified a new mineralized extension in the sandstone and basement, near at the unconformity, to north of the J Zone boundary between Line 270W and Line 300W.
The 3 step-out holes, WAT12-237B, 242, and 244, drilled laterally to the north of the central J Zone boundary, have intersected wide intervals of well developed mineralization, including 14m, 11m, and 15m respectively, in the sandstone, and the basement immediately below the unconformity. These three drill holes have successfully identified a new mineralized extension in the sandstone and basement, near at the unconformity, to north of the J Zone boundary between Line 270W and Line 300W. In addition, one infill hole, WAT12-247, expanded sandstone and unconformity mineralization 10m to the west of Hole WAT11-200 on Line 300W, by intersecting 9m of moderate to strong radioactivity, including narrow intervals of “off-scale” (>9999 cps) radioactivity.
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