Fission Energy Corp and ESO Commence Ground Work at Patterson Lake South

Company News

Fission Energy Corp. (CVE:FIS,OTCQX:FSSIF) reports that ground work has began on its Patterson Lake South property, Saskatchewan.

Fission Energy Corp. (TSXV:FIS,OTCQX:FSSIF) reports that ground work has began on its Patterson Lake South property, Saskatchewan.

The press release is quoted as saying:

The project covers 13,497 ha in 12 mineral claims on the southwest margin of the Athabasca Basin in the Broach Lake – Patterson Lake area. The Patterson Lake South Property is accessible by road with primary access from all weather Highway 955, which runs north to the former Cluff Lake mine (>60,000,000 lbs of U3O8 produced), and passes through the nearby UEX-Areva Shea Creek discoveries located 50km to the north, currently under active exploration and development.

Click here to access the entire news release. 

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