Athabasca Uranium Reports Z-TEM Survey Results, Earns Interest At McCarthy Lake

Company News

Athabasca Uranium Inc. (CVE:UAX,OTCQX:ATURF) reports the results of its ZTEM airborne survey interpretation, and to advise of an earned interest on its McCarthy Lake project, Athabasca, Saskatchewan.

Athabasca Uranium Inc. (TSXV:UAX,OTCQX:ATURF) reports the results of its ZTEM airborne survey interpretation, and to advise of an earned interest on its McCarthy Lake project, Athabasca, Saskatchewan.

The press release is quoted as saying:

The Company has received a high level interpretation report of the 2011 ZTEM airborne EM and magnetic surveys of the Company’s properties from Condor Consulting of Colorado. In general, the report noted that a number of anomalous conductors had been defined by the ZTEM survey which showed correlation with earlier GEOTEM and TEMPEST surveys.  All types of anomalies normally associated with uranium mineralization appear to be present: sandstone-hosted, unconformity-related and basement-hosted. These targets may represent alteration zones that warrant additional exploration.

Athabasca Uranium’s President and CEO,  Gil Schneider says:

“Our exploration team is extremely pleased with the information gleaned thus far from the ZTEM survey. Rarifying targets from the air is ground zero for exploration in the Basin and we were indeed fortunate to have multiple datasets, each of which examines the ground in a distinctly different way, to define our target zones. Over the next few months, the Company will formulate a comprehensive exploration plan for each of the projects, which may include earn-in partnerships to commence ground work and diamond drilling.”

Click here to access the entire news release.

Click here to access Athabasca Uranium’s company profile.(TSXV:UAX,OTCQX:ATURF)

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