Seeking Alpha identified three important energy companies, Kinder Morgan Energy Partners (NYSE:KMP), Integrys Energy (NYSE:TEG), and Enerplus Resources (NYSE:ERF) who offer significant dividends.
Seeking Alpha identified three important energy companies, Kinder Morgan Energy Partners (NYSE:KMP), Integrys Energy (NYSE:TEG), and Enerplus Resources (NYSE:ERF) who offer significant dividends.
As quoted in the market news:
Kinder Morgan Energy Partners (KMP) said Sunday that it will pay around $21 billion to buy El Paso (EP), creating the largest pipeline company in North America.
Integrys Energy (TEG) traces its history all the way back to Chicago’s original People’s Gas & Light Company, which eventually merged with Wisconsin Public Service Corp and is now a regulated electric and natural gas utility company with over 2 million customers in Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Minnesota.
Enerplus Resources (ERF) – Enerplus has the notable distinction of being the oldest oil and gas royalty trust in Canada. ERF went public in 1986 and has paid dividends every year since.