Suroco Energy Inc. Tests Pinuna 6 Well at 1,373 bbl/d

Resource Investing News

Suroco Energy Inc. (TSXV:SRN) announced an update to drilling activities and plans for 2012.

Suroco Energy Inc. (TSXV:SRN) announced an update to drilling activities and plans for 2012.

As quoted in the press release:

The Pinuna-6 well commenced production in October and has produced at an average rate of 1,373 barrels of oil per day (200 barrels per day net after royalty). The well was perforated over a 19 foot interval in the target Villeta U sand, and is producing via an electric submersible pump at an approximate 15% drawdown.

Click here to read the Suroco Energy Inc. (TSXV:SRN) press release.

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