Berkeley Lab Scientists Unveil An X-Ray Technique Called HARPES

Critical Metals

Red Orbit reports that Berkeley scientists have developed a new method of x-ray that can see past the surface of heavy elements like tungsten.

Red Orbit reports that Berkeley scientists have developed a new method of x-ray that can see past the surface of heavy elements like tungsten.

The market news is quoted as saying,

To demonstrate the capabilities of their HARPES technique, Fadley and Gray used a high intensity undulator beamline at the SPring8 synchrotron radiation facility in Hyogo, Japan, which is operated by the Japanese National Institute for Materials Sciences. The samples they worked with, tungsten and gallium arsenide, contain relatively heavy elements that have relatively small phonon effects (atomic vibrations) but to further reduce these effects the samples were cryo-cooled. By combining room temperature and cryo data, the researchers were able to correct for the influence of indirect transitions and photoelectron diffraction in their results.

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