Tin and tantalum industries target 31st March 2011 for full implementation of iTSCi conflict mineral tagging

Tantalum Investing

itri.co.uk reports that tagging requirement will be applicable all to minerals produced in all provinces of the DRC and in adjoining countries such as Rwanda, Burundi and Uganda.

itri.co.uk reports that tagging requirement will be applicable all to minerals produced in all provinces of the DRC and in adjoining countries such as Rwanda, Burundi and Uganda.

The market news is quoted as saying:

In consideration of market pressures generated by the short deadlines of the US ‘conflict minerals’ legislation ITRI and T.I.C. announce a target for full implementation of the iTSCi tagging system by the end of March 2011. It is likely that cassiterite and tantalum minerals from the central African region that are not tagged, and therefore which will not possess verifiable chain-of-custody data, will no longer be acceptable to the international tin or tantalum markets after that date.

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