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Tantalum Investing

EDN reports that tantalum capacitors can be used to create a sleeker design.

EDN reports that tantalum capacitors can be used to create a sleeker design.

The market news is quoted as saying,

The next step was to grasp the difference between the capacitors. I read up on tantalum capacitors. Data was more difficult to come by in those days than it is today; you had to either order it through the mail or get a salesman to bring it to you. Nevertheless, I acquired the information, and I soon discovered specifications on leakage, specifically that leakage varied with bias. I went back to the test technicians and asked one of them to grab one of the “bad” boards.

Because there was 5V on the board, I asked the tech to cut the 15V land and rewire the cap to 5V. Instant success! The board not only passed testing but also looked better than the boards with the good capacitors.

For the complete market news, click here.

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