Michael Berry and Chris Berry Discuss Rare Earth Supply Issues

Rare Earth Investing

Business Insider reported an interview with rare earth experts Dr. Michael Berry and Chris Berry.

Business Insider reported an interview with rare earth experts Dr. Michael Berry and Chris Berry.

Dr. Michael Berry said:

The U.S. was the biggest producer of rare earth elements (REEs) in the 1970s and 1980s. But then we allowed China to undercut our prices and we shut down the Mountain Pass mine, which was one of the largest if not the largest producer of rare earths in the world. We lost not only production and access to REEs, which are critical for weapons systems, automobiles, alternative energy and a number of other applications, but we lost the processing chain that actually integrates and creates the metal, creates the alloy and magnets, and integrates it into material.

Click here to read the full Business Insider report.

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