Largo Resources Comments on Share Price Decline

Battery Metals

Largo Resources Ltd. (TSXV:LGO) told its shareholders that it is unaware of what may have caused a “dramatic decline” in its share price in recent weeks.

Largo Resources Ltd. (TSXV:LGO) told its shareholders that it is unaware of what may have caused a “dramatic decline” in its share price in recent weeks.

As quoted in the press release:

Further to its press release dated January 15, 2015, the Company re-states that it is continuing to ramp-up production at its Maracas Mine in Bahia, Brazil with commercial shipments ongoing on a weekly basis.

The Company continues to target phase 1 annual run rate capacity of 9,600 tons by Q3, 2015.

Click here to read the full Largo Resources Ltd. (TSXV:LGO) press release.

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