Nevada Sunrise Exercises Option For Water Rights In Clayton Valley, Nevada

Nevada Sunrise Gold Corporation (TSXV:NEV) announced that it has exercised its option to secure water rights in the Clayton Valley of Nevada by executing a definitive purchase agreement with an arms-length vendor. The pre-existing certificated water rights allow for 1,770 acre/feet of water use for mining and milling per year.
Nevada Sunrise Gold Corporation (TSXV:NEV) announced that it has exercised its option to secure water rights in the Clayton Valley of Nevada by executing a definitive purchase agreement with an arms-length vendor. The pre-existing certificated water rights allow for 1,770 acre/feet of water use for mining and milling per year.
Nevada Sunrise President and CEO, Warren Stanyer, stated:
We are pleased to have completed the first step for the purchase of water rights in the Clayton Valley. The Clayton Valley Basin was recently ‘designated’ by the State of Nevada as requiring additional administration, and we believe the acquisition of water rights is paramount for future lithium brines development in the area.
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