Lithium Australia Secures 1,000km2 of Identified Base Metal Occurrences with Strong Lithium Potential, in Queensland, Australia.

Lithium Australia NL (ASX: LIT) is pleased to announce that three of the four Exploration Mineral Permits from the Amber Project were granted on 13 April 2017.
Lithium Australia NL (ASX: LIT) is pleased to announce that three of the four Exploration Mineral Permits from the Amber Project were granted on 13 April 2017. The project lies
1,350 km northwest of Brisbane, Queensland.
The tenure has been procured on the basis of tectonic setting, and the identification of fertile granitic intrusions. These “leucogranites” are often the source of lithium
mineralization which may occur in association with tin and tungsten. No lithium exploration has been previously recorded, albeit the Amber region shows all of the geological hallmarks associated with many of the world’s predominant lithium provinces.
The Amber Project covers as area of 1,000 km2 of prospective margins of leucogranites, pegmatites, and greisens zone within a complex granitic-volcanic terrain (Figure 1).
Lithium exploration will initially concentrate at the historic recording of pegmatite and greisen hosted tin, tungsten, and fluorite occurrence. Most of these occurrences are related to local shearing and fracturing caused by various S-type granite and late-stage pegmatite emplacement during the Carboniferous
Existing geophysical data will be remodeled to enhance target generation and augment geological evaluation of the region.
Managing director, Adrian Griffin said:
“Lithium Australia has identified North Queensland as a region with the optimum geological history to host major lithium deposits. Amber adds significantly to our Queensland portfolio and further strengthens our Australian exploration portfolio. Our advanced exploration techniques are proving invaluable in Mexico, where we are drilling at the moment, and we will be applying much of the knowledge gained, to our domestic exploration activities.”
Adrian Griffin
Managing Director
Mobile +61 (0) 418 927 658 Z
LIT is a dedicated developer of disruptive lithium extraction technologies. LIT has strategic alliances with a number of companies, potentially providing access to a diversified lithium mineral inventory. LIT aspires to create the union between resources and the best available technology and to establish a global lithium processing business. LIT has a strong technical focus in processing and exploration being a leader in both fields. Subsidiaries include:
• BlackEarth Minerals NL – graphite developer;
• Resource Conservation and Recycling Corp Pty Ltd – battery recycling research; and
• Lithophile Pty Ltd – Gascoyne Project.
Adrian Griffin Lithium Australia NL 08 6145 0288 | 0418 927 658
Kevin Skinner Field Public Relations 08 8234 9555 | 0414 822 631
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