Dajin Delivers Lithium Brine Samples from San Jose – Navidad Property to Lab

Dajin Resources Corp. (“Dajin”) (TSXV:DJI) (OTC:DJIFF) (Germany:C2U1) is pleased to report that the Phase two near-surface exploration program on the San José – Navidad minas located on the Salinas Grandes salar in the province of Jujuy, Argentina, has been completed.
Dajin Resources Corp. (“Dajin”) (TSXV:DJI) (OTC:DJIFF) (Germany:C2U1) is pleased to report that the Phase two near-surface exploration program on the San José – Navidad minas located on the Salinas Grandes salar in the province of Jujuy, Argentina, has been completed. This Phase consisted of drilling and sampling seven holes. The Lithium brine samples taken have been forwarded to Alex Stewart Argentina (ASA) laboratories in Jujuy, Argentina. In addition to the brine samples, seven core samples for relative brine release measurements were taken and have been sent to Daniel B Stephens & Associates laboratories in Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA. The highly prospective San José – Navidad minas are part of a 93,000 hectares (230,000 acres) land package controlled by Dajin and being explored by LSC Lithium Corporation (“LSC”). To fulfill the terms of an earn-in agreement (51%) LSC must complete CDN$2,000,000 in exploration expenditures. LSC is the operator of the project.
Dajin’s Phase one surface exploration program consisted of 25 shallow brine auger samples covering an area of 550 hectares (5.5 km2) in the northwestern corner of the 4,300 hectare (43 km2) San
Jose/Navidad mina. Brine concentrations ranged from 281 mg/l to 1,353 mg/l, averaging 591 mg/l Lithium. Click here to see Geochemical Map
Dajin Resources S.A. and LSC Lithium Corporation control most of the Salinas Grandes salar.
The San José – Navidad minas have not been explored previously for Lithium bearing brines, but results from earlier exploration programs in adjacent parts of the salar reported Lithium brine sampling from 1 meter-deep pits. The seven closest pit samples, taken between 0 to 200 meters from both the north and west sides of the mina yielded Lithium concentrations that ranged from 279 mg/l to 987 mg/l, averaging 551 mg/l. Pit samples taken within 1 km of the property boundary assayed up to 1,122 mg/l Lithium. The highest reported assay value in Salinas Grandes salar exceeded 3,000 mg/l Lithium.
Exploration Methodology Used
The seven sample points were pre-planned on a 1,000m grid, located in the field with a hand-held GPS unit. At each sample site a Vibracore drill machine was used to extract HQ diameter cores to an
average depth of 7.8 m. Thereafter, a bailer was used to extract brines from the lithological units. The bailed brine was then decanted into three sterilized plastic litre size bottles and sealed without any air being trapped in the bottle. Thereafter, the samples were delivered to the laboratory for analyses.
Sampling and QA/QC
Brine sampling involved collection of brines from the drill holes by a bailer and decanted into an approximately 13.5 litre bucket, which was flushed with fresh brine several times prior to collection of
the sample. Brine was poured into 1-litre sample bottles which had been previously flushed with fresh brine from the bucket several times. Sample bottles were filled to the top to eliminate the inclusion of air and sealed with a leak-proof lid. Samples were labelled and labels covered with clear tape to prevent erasure of sample information. All samples remained in the possession of the site geologist until delivery to Alex Stewart Laboratory (ASA) in Jujuy, Argentina.
The technical information in this press release has been prepared in accordance with the Canadian regulatory requirements of National Instrument 43-101 and has been reviewed and approved on behalf
of Dajin Resources Corp. by Dajin Directors, Dr. Catherine Hickson, P. Geo and Dr. Mark Coolbaugh, CPG, the Qualified Persons.
About Dajin: (www.dajin.ca)
Dajin, is an early stage Lithium exploration company. Through its interest in Dajin Resources S.A. (“Dajin S.A.”), it holds concessions or concession applications in Jujuy Province, Argentina that were
acquired in regions known to contain brines with Lithium, Potassium, and Boron values. These concessions exceed 93,000 hectares (230,000 acres) and are primarily located in the Salinas Grandes
and Guayatayoc salt lake basins. Dajin S.A. is partnered with LSC Lithium Corporation who has agreed to spend $2,000,000 to earn a 51% interest in Dajin S.A.’s Lithium properties while building a significant presence in Argentina.
Dajin also holds a 100% interest in 403 placer claims covering 7,914 acres (3,202 hectares) in the Teels Marsh valley of Mineral County, Nevada. These claims are known to contain Lithium and Boron values and are adjacent to the birth place of US Borax Corp’s first borax mine. Dajin also holds a 100% interest in placer claims in the Alkali Lake valley of Esmeralda County, Nevada, located 7 miles (11 kilometers) northeast of Albemarle’s Silver Peak Lithium brine operation in Clayton Valley.
Brian Findlay
President & CEO
For further information please contact Dajin:
604-609-6151 or info@dajin.ca
The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
Source: dajin.ca