Ashburton Ventures (TSXV:ABR) has acquired the Area 51 Lithium Brine prospect in Nevada. The claims cover 1,700 acres in the western portion of the Mud Lake playa.
Ashburton Ventures (TSXV:ABR) has acquired the Area 51 Lithium Brine prospect in Nevada. The claims cover 1,700 acres in the western portion of the Mud Lake playa.
As quoted in the press release:
Mud Lake is the largest playa within 50 km of Clayton Valley and is bordered by the same favorable Middle Tertiary felsic volcanic rocks considered to be the source of lithium at Clayton Valley. The Area 51 Property claims are adjacent to the hills bounding the playa to the west and cover the likely location of subsurface range bounding faults which control the location of brines at Clayton Valley. The claims abut the Nellis Air Force Range to the east which is closed to staking. It is thus possible the claims may cover subsurface drainage in west-dipping strata from a much larger area than the claim footprint.
Surface sampling of unconsolidated playa sediment by the vendor returned analyses of 77 ppm to 83 ppm Li from 4 samples collected. The sediment samples collected by the vendor were analyzed by ALS Minerals in Reno NV. Samples were screened to -180um and the fine fraction analyzed by ICP-MS for 53 elements including lithium.
Ashburton CEO, Michael England, said:
We are very excited to have one of the largest playa’s, which is what you are looking for with regards to a brine formation for lithium, outside Clayton valley. Considering that the majority of this substantial playa is under government territory, this means Ashburton is the only company now able to exploit this situation. We eagerly look forward to getting to work to determine the full extent of this high priority target.
Click here for the full press release.