Syrah Updates on Pre-construction Work at Balama Project

Battery Metals

Syrah Resources Ltd. (ASX:SYR) announced that it has started pre-construction work at its Mozambique-based Balama graphite project.

Syrah Resources Ltd. (ASX:SYR) announced that it has started pre-construction work at its Mozambique-based Balama graphite project. Mine construction is expected to start in 2015.

A definitive feasibility study is currently underway as well.

Other highlights include:

  • Existing camp capacity being increased to accommodate anticipated staff increases
  • Light vehicle workshop and fuel station established
  • Installation of power lines and all transformers completed
  • Syrah was awarded the 2014 Best Social Corporate Responsibility company for its community development activities
  • Phase I of the resettlement plan has commenced and clearing of bush land has started to relocate local subsistence farmers
  • Tenders for other initial construction works will be issued early next year

Click here to read the full Syrah Resources Ltd. (ASX:SYR) press release.

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