Magnis Resources Limited (“Magnis” or the “Company”) (ASX:MNS) is pleased to announce an update made to the media in Germany by the Managing Director of WiN Emscher-Lippe(WIN) Mr Peter Karst.
Magnis Resources Limited (“Magnis” or the “Company”) (ASX:MNS) is pleased to announce an update made to the media in Germany by the Managing Director of WiN Emscher-Lippe(WIN) Mr Peter Karst.
A MoU for the construction of a 30GWh lithium-ion battery plant was announced on 6 October 2017. The MoU was signed between Magnis and WIN for a plant based in North Rhine Westfalia.
On 1 December 2017, a meeting was held consisting of all working parties which included Magnis, WIN, representatives of the Emscher-Lippe region, service providers and potential investors. During the meeting, it was agreed by all parties to progress to the next phase with key objectives and criteria set out.
Magnis will have an ownership and will provide anode materials and technology for the battery plant.
Refer to the following pages for the official press release made by Managing Director of WiN Emscher-Lippe GmbH Mr Peter Karst.
For further information, please contact:
Travis Peluso
Investor Relations Director
Magnis Resources Limited
Ph: +61 411 404 814
Press Release, 05.12.2017
- UMBAU 21 examines opportunities for cell production in Emscher-Lippe
- Manufacturing possible through an innovative network of chemical and energy companies
- Chairman of the Supervisory Board Cay Sueberkrub: “Conditions in the region are ideal”
- Australian company Magnis Ressources signs memorandum with WiN Emscher-Lippe
HERTEN / EMSCHER LIP. Powerful storage systems are a key technology on the way to the age of electromobility and renewable energies – and the industry in the northern Ruhr region could play a pioneering role: “Emscher-Lippe is the region of energy and chemistry. But it is also the region of logistics, networking and industry in the center of Europe. What would be closer than to examine here specifically the establishment of a cell production for electricity storage? “Said Cay Sueberkrüb, district administrator of the district Recklinghausen and supervisory board chairman of UMBAU 21.” The conditions with us are ideal, so we want together with Magnis Resources in Cooperation with the state of North Rhine-Westphalia and the district government in Münster to examine how concrete such a company could look like. ”
The special feature of the approach in Emscher-Lippe is to motivate the existing chemical and energy companies from the region and from North Rhine-Westphalia, which are united in the ChemSite initiative, to a composite approach. The foundations for the ongoing activities were laid in 2016 with the study “ChemieCluster 4.0”. This study was also developed and implemented by the actors involved.
“In order to optimally exploit the potential of such a large and difficult project, it is important to work as precisely as possible at the beginning,” explains Peter Karst, Managing Director of WiN Emscher-Lippe / UMBAU 21. “That is why we are gradually developing the settlement. That is why we are laying the foundations for the next step in a row. We have had successful preliminary talks with raw material suppliers.”
After numerous preliminary talks that demonstrated the fundamental potential and great interest in the region and in the economy, a “Memorandum of Understanding” was signed in October between WiN and the Australian company Magnis Ressources and Technologies (MR). MR also plans production in North America and Australia, where they are already in the investment phase.
Now Emscher-Lippe is preparing a preliminary study on so-called “k.o. criteria” in order to minimize later risks in the project. At the joint working meeting on 1 December with representatives of the Emscher-Lippe region, service providers and potential investors, the test criteria for such a preliminary study were agreed.
WiN Emscher-Lippe GmbH
Peter Karst
Tel .: 02366-1098-15
About WiN Emscher-Lippe GmbH:
The WiN Emscher-Lippe GmbH is the regional economic development company of the two independent cities Bottrop and Gelsenkirchen as well as the ten district-owned cities of the district Recklinghausen. The basis of the company’s construction is a private-public partnership: in addition to the twelve cities, 22 private companies, banks and associations are currently involved in WiN Emscher-Lippe GmbH.
Further information: www.emscher-lippe.de
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